Our Approach

Because we believe that youth have the creativity, the potential and the capacity to make change happen – for themselves, for their communities, and for the rest of the world, Excellent Minds Social and Youth Empowerment Initiative (EMI) work with them to drive sustainable change, and offer them platforms to participate fully in the development of their societies, and eradicate poverty and inequality.

We have developed three key priority areas to strengthen our capacity to work with and for young people, and ensure that our activities are pursued in a coordinated and holistic manner. These three priority areas are:

  1. Protect and promote the rights of young people and support their civic engagement
  2. Support young people’s greater access to quality education and improved health services.
  3. Inspire young people to achieve the highest levels of excellence and greatness in life.

To this end, EMI has developed several projects in line with the above framework, including capacity building workshops, networking opportunities, among others. These are aimed at empowering young people, supporting their ideas, promoting partnerships, and ensuring their visibility.